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Huge Blow for Students 

Unfortunately this seems to be the case with these types of companies, they will just build up a LTD company and when the tough gets going they just shut the door with out thinking about the consequence's.

With this news, its come to light that they will just be moving students that are doing the draining packages to another company associated with the original branch. Although this may seem like a good move, in reality it isn't.... According to trust pilot, its a worse trade-off than the original. We will let you be the judge on that one > NTC Trust Pilot   > ACT Trust Pilot 

On course for huge debts: how adult training 'colleges' could leave you deep in the red

Lending to cash-strapped students has been compared to the payday loans scandal.

There are few bigger recent stains on the finance industry than the payday loans scandal, which exploited some of the poorest in society until the Financial Conduct Authority watchdog capped interest charges.

Now there are fears that the scandal is being repeated in the adult training sector, with loans for courses being given to people who are already financially vulnerable. Read more 

Adult training college in data protection row with dissatisfied students....

New Trades Career refuses to hand over recordings that could show if false promises were made to students about courses.

An adult training college has been accused of withholding evidence that some students say could prove that they were misled into signing up for costly courses.

I’ve previously detailed here how former students of New Trades Career have complained about the quality of its courses, which they left without completing, lumbering them with large debts and no qualifications. Read more 

Student left with huge debt and no qualification slates distance learning college 24/7 Training UK 

The website of distance learning college 24/7 Training UK carries an impressive endorsement from television DIY expert Tommy Walsh.

He gushes about the huge job opportunities in the home energy renewables industry for anyone with plumbing and electrical qualifications, describing the training course as the "complete package".

"If you have the motivation and will to succeed, our proven programme will deliver the skills and qualifications for either a well-paid career or enable you to start a thriving business in this essential new generation industry," he says..... Read More 

Case study opportunity with The Mirror

TCC is currently in contact with JobsAware, a government-backed body established to tackle job fraud, to share information on the work we have been doing.

The Mirror has today published an article featuring people who have been unhappy with the training package they have been sold. Via JobsAware we have an opportunity for potentially more coverage on this subject, but they need people to come forward and be happy to speak to The Mirror journalist in a similar way to you see in the article here: The Mirror 

If you are happy to speak to The Mirror/JobsAware please let us know and we will forward your details for potential contact.

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