Money Worries
Can't afford your Training Course?
The question is: could you afford it at the time of purchase?
With the common practice of an online sales pitch and door to door sales it's even more common for sales representatives to approach you with gold training packages that in reality seem that they are too good to be true. Well in this case they actually are.
They will often use phrases like "blended learning" or "distance learning" and will try and get you to sign up with one of their chosen finance packages. They will advertise it as some kind of student loan, but in reality, it's a personal loan. This is actually a benefit when it comes to complaining, as due to it being a personal loan it falls under Consumer Rights Act and FCA regulations, this will help you if you ever have a dispute with the training provider or finance company.
What's Next?
What to do next depends on the type of issues that your facing. At TCC we will be compassionate and delicate towards your financial situation, we take all issues into account. We can act fast and accurately.
This is a big question, we would personally recommend going through your finance agreement and establish the main goal:
Was the finance agreement affordable?
Was the Agreement filled in correctly at the time of purchase?
Were the right questions asked when filling in the affordability?
These are all crucial questions; we have had many students come to us with really bad financial situations, if the affordability was done correctly they wouldn't have been put in more financial debt, causing a massive spiral of money issues.
Is there someone who can help me?
With a personal loan there are plenty of companies that will offer the right support and guidance; TCC understands as most of our colleagues have been through what you may be expecting now. Self-doubt and confusion are the biggest things to overcome, all of us at TCC have been through this so we will definitely understand your circumstances.
Here are just a few free advice companies who can help you >
Step Change is a free impartial debt charity whose aim is to assist people out of debt and into a healthy situation. They offer a wide range of support, from gambling to other money issues.
Citizens Advice is an independent charity that covers a wide range of solutions. This link will take you to the consumer acts page where you will find lots of helpful advice. They also offer a webchat service and telephone service.